How to Evaluate Your Dance Instruction So You Know What to Do
The day you start dancing, people start telling you what to do.
You get hundreds of pointers, many of which are conflicting.
You are the one that has to put all this information into use.
How can you tell what is right for you?
One way is to have a set of principles of what is important to you in your dancing.
Your principles will guide you in evaluating the dance instruction you get.
Here is an example.
In my social dancing groups the most important principle is safety first.
We do not do anything that violates the principle of safety.
In light of the principle of safety, should the man "stir the pot" when asking the woman to turn?
No, because "stirring the pot" puts stress on the woman's shoulder and could hurt her.
Partnership Dancing SM has 10 foundational values.
The first three are Safety, Courtesy and Comfort.
The tenth value is Universal, meaning that you communicate
in the same way with every person in every dance.
If you agree with these values,
then you have a tool to evaluate your instruction.
Anything that violates Safety, Courtesy or Comfort,
or cannot be used Universally is problematic.
While these are words, they translate to direct physical experience.
For example, if you are doing anything that is uncomfortable, stop.
It cannot be correct for social dancing, at least not for Partnership Dancing.
For all ten values and their implications,
read the book
Partnership Dancing SM - the Safe, Comfortable, Natural and Easy Way to Dance with a Partner.
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